Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Back in the hang.

    Ahhh. Today has been a pretty good day. Work in an hour but I'm actually looking forward to it. Each day that I pick up my camera I keep getting more excited about taking more shots. My 365project is going pretty good and I've already gotten quite a bit of support for only having 3 days on my plate. It's really nice to hear good feedback from other photographers. On top of my 365project, I have a couple of girls interested in photoshoots and that really excites me. I'm not interested in charging for the shoot, I'm just looking forward to getting something under my belt. And I've decided that after putting away a big portion of my next paycheck, I'm going to buy a lens, probably from Amazon. I'm not looking for anything fancy, just something that will get me more familiar with the bajillion different kinds of lenses.
    I'm not going to ramble too much longer, but I have a few shots for you today, that I actually took today :p and I actually like them quite a bit. RAW photos are becoming my best friend, even if they do take more work to process.

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