Yesterday I uploaded a photo onto my 365 project, I also posted it on yesterdays blog, the heart, with the purple tint. It went over pretty well, and I was happy about the feedback, it has even been favorited. What's even more exciting is that it landed in the recently popular section under browse. I was so excited. I still am. That's crazy for me. It's one thing to hear from others that my work is pretty good, then to actually see the benefit. I'm just so thankful that I started this project, and thankful for Leesa informing me about it :p
akfdjakjfda sooo, the photo i'm posting today is from a few weeks ago. or a month ago ahaha. But I just edited it yesterday using photoshop cs4. And it's really the first time I've used it in-depth. It's just been really, really, intimidating. >.< hahaha.
I thought you'd like it :)